Joe Stevens ist Filmemacher und Fotograf aus New York, dessen Werke unter anderem schon im Museum of Modern Art gezeigt wurden. Seit 1996 fotografiert er alte Vans aus den 70er und 80er Jahren im Kontext ihrer Umgebung. Was Joe jedoch genau bezwecken möchte, verrät er uns besser selbst:
Joe Stevens:
„Vans and the places where they were documents surviving custom and conversion vans across the West and examines the dialogue which existsbetween a van’s design aesthetic and that of its surrounding environment. The project began in 1996 and currently consists of hundreds ofimages shot on 120 film.
Over the course of the project the vans themselves have become more and more of a rarity. The reasons are as simple as rust and changing tastes; and as complex as government “cash for clunkers” initiatives encouraging more fuel-efficient transportation. Notably, at the same time these vans have been disappearing from our roads – film photography as a visual medium has also begun it’s slow death. Consequently the goal of the project is to one day shoot the last remaining van on the final frame of photographic film in existence. Then the project will be finished.“
Weitere Fotos gibt es auf der Vans and the Places They Were Projektseite von Joe Stevens.
Alle hier abgebildeten Bilder unterliegen dem Copyright von Joe Stevens.
(via Peta Pixel)