Ich verbringe viel Zeit im Internet und sehe mir wahnsinnig gern Fotos von anderen interessanten Fotografen auf diversen Netzwerken wie Flickr oder Behance an. Noch interessanter wird es dann, wenn man zu dem jeweiligen Künstler oder Fotografen noch ein paar Zeilen lesen kann, bestenfalls in Form eines Interviews. Als ich so durch das Behance Network surfte, stieß ich auf die beeindruckenden Fotos von Julia Galdo. Da dachte ich mir, warum nicht selbst ein Interview machen um ein bisschen über diese Fotografin zu erfahren? Gesagt getan und so habe ich Julia interviewt. Nach dem Interview findet ihr ein paar Bilder von ihr. Das Interview ist auf English und sofern Bedarf besteht kann ich es zusätzlich noch ins Deutsche übersetzen. Bitte schreibt mir auch eure Meinung oder Verbesserungsschläge in die Kommentare.

juliagaldoJulia kommt aus den Staaten, wuchs in Miami auf und wohnt mittlerweile in Los Angeles. 2004 schloss sie ihr Studium am San Francisco Instiute of Art ab.

Hello Julia, can you please introduce yourself to the readership?
Yes…Hello everybody. I’m Julia Galdo, goofy 27 year old photographer from Miami…now living in Los Angeles.

You began taking photos in the age of 16. Can you remember which was your first camera?What did you shoot in the beginning?
My first camera was given to me by my father, who was a photographic hobby-ist. It was an old Olympus OM-2 with a 35mm. My first roll of film was taken with my friend at the fair. We said to ourselves, if this roll comes out, let’s pursue photography forever, and if it doesn’t then forget about it. She and I both went to college for it, but she now works in the zoo.

Sombebody picked up a cam for the very first time and want to become a real good photographer. Which advice can you give this person?
I’d say do it as a passion and not for a living. If you’re dead set on becoming a professional, then grown thick skin. More than anything, though…looking at work is key. Look at alot of work, and always think about why you like it. Thats‘ how you begin to understand your style.

How does your typical working day look like?
Hah! There is NO such thing as a typical working day…ever ever ever.

What fascinates you on photographing and how do you get your inspiration?
Light is the most inspiring thing to me. Second after that is emotion. I think the two go hand in hand.

Your equipment mainly consist of…?
Film, camera, profoto strobes (one battery pack one plug in with two heads), ring flash, on-camera flash, but mainly it’s just camera and natural light.

How do you spot the perfect location for a shooting?
I’m really lucky…at this point, at lot of peers bring locations to me. I think indoor places with big curtained windows is a dream spot.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Traveling a lot. Working a lot. Getting better. Thta’s my hope. I hope it’s to Japan to work on adidas one week and then the next is shooting a spread for Lula that I collaborated with Leith Clark on.

Hello Julia, can you please introduce yourself to the readership? Yes…Hello everybody. I’m Julia Galdo, goofy 27 year old photographer from Miami…now living in Los Angeles.
You began taking photos in the age of 16. Can you remember which was your first camera? What did you shoot in the beginning? My first camera was given to me by my father, who was a photographic hobby-ist. It was an old Olympus OM-2 with a 35mm. My first roll of film was taken with my friend at the fair. We said to ourselves, if this roll comes out, let’s pursue photography forever, and if it doesn’t then forget about it. She and I both went to college for it, but she now works are the zoo.
Sombebody picked up a cam for the first time and want to become a real good photographer. Which advice can you give this person? I’d say do it as a passion and not for a living. If you’re dead set on becoming a professional, then grown thick skin. More than anything, though…looking at work is key. Look at alot of work, and always think about why you like it. Thats‘ how you begin to understand your style.
How does your typical working day look like? Hah! There is NO such thing as a typical working day…ever ever ever.
What fascinates you on photographing and how do you get your inspiration? Light is the most inspiring thing to me. Second after that is emotion. I think the two go hand in hand.
Your equipment mainly consist of…? Film, camera, profoto strobes (one battery pack one plug in with two heads), ring flash, on-camera flash, but mainly it’s just camera and natural light.
How do you spot the perfect location for a shooting? I’m really lucky…at this point, at lot of peers bring locations to me. I think indoor places with big curtained windows is a dream spot.
Where do you see yourself in ten years? Traveling a lot. Working a lot. Getting better. Thta’s my hope. I hope it’s to Japan to work on adidas one week and then the next is shooting a spread for Lula that I collaborated with Leith Clark on.



Internetseite von Julia Galdo // Flickr.com // Behance.net