Die Fotografin, die ich euch heute vorstelle, kommt aus Portland im US-Bundesstaat Oregon. Derzeit studiert die erst 18-jährige Fotografie am Oregon College of Art & Craft. Am besten gefallen mir ihre Schwarz-Weiß Aufnahmen aus ihrem 365-Days Project. Mehr Bilder findet ihr in ihrem Flickrstream und wer mag, der kann auf ihrer Blogseite vorbeischauen.
Brittany Chavez:
The biggest motivator for my photography is light. Sunlight streaming in a window, perfect artificial light, light playing over a subject, whatever it is, when I see light my fingers start itching to pick up my camera. In Portland we had about a week with the most magical golden hours ever and I was completely in heaven. I only own two lens: an 18-55mm kit lens which came with my camera, and a 50mm f1.4 which I acquired this summer. By far the 50mm is my favorite, the depth of field you can get with it is astonishing, and I find I get sharper images with it. (Not to mention faster shutter speeds.) My dreams are simply to succeed in whatever I chose to do with my photography; whether that be fine art or wedding photography. I’m still figuring it out. I am always trying to capture a small quiet moment. Sometimes just beautiful, sometimes more meaningful. I always want it to make you stop and say „Oh“.
Alle hier verwendeten Bilder unterliegen dem Copyright von Brittany Chavez.