Durch Markus wurde ich auf das Portfolio von Andrew Hefter aufmerksam gemacht. Ich war von der ersten Sekunde an vollauf begeistert und erstaunt, wie umfangreich das Portfolio des erst 19-Jährigen Amerikaners ist. Andrew fotografiert Landschaften sowie Portraits und hat mit 14 mit dem Fotografieren begonnen. Derzeit studiert er, wie sollte es auch anders sein, Fotografie am Savannah College of Art and Design. Ich bin vor allem von den Farben und dem Bildaufbau seiner Arbeiten angetan.

Andrew Hefter
I think my primary motivation when starting out was to capture a scene or a moment in as interesting a way as possible. The aesthetic stimulation of a photo is still what pushes me in a lot of ways. However, much of my current work, I’m having to create the setup or at least put more thought into what a place will look like in a photo, and my motivation is to attempt to make something unique. Difficult considering how many images exist in the world, but I suppose that’s what makes the process all the more motivational.

As far as what I am trying to express, I would say I look to create a sense of mystery – an image which doesn’t seem to exist for any other reason except to be looked at. There isn’t necessarily meaning to all my works, because not all the works could possibly have a valid explanation. It’s superficial in that sense, but I don’t attempt to hide that fact. It’s difficult to create work that is entirely personal to me, as I can’t say I’ve had enough conflict in my life to really pursue such. Instead I act as an observer, whether or not the act being observed is one I created.

In terms of a career, my dream is to work in editorial and/or fashion work with my photography while doing fine art/non commercial work on the side. As far as actual dreams or ideas I have, I tend to have really impossible ideas (physics defying, humanoid hybrids, etc.) that I still have yet to figure out how to achieve. As I become more knowledgeable, my hope is I’ll have the resources to pull off some of the photographic stunts I’ve been wanting to do.

Last few things I think worth mentioning are my gear. I use a Nikon D700 with either a Sigma 28mm f/1.8, Nikon 50mm f/1.4, or Nikon 85mm f/1.4 (I have other lenses, but those get the most use). A lot of my earlier work was made with a D200 and a Nikon 18-70. I occasionally do infrared photography with a generic 720nm filter, and my first camera was a point-and-shoot Nikon Coolpix 8700. I currently go to school at Savannah College of Art and Design, or SCAD for short, in Savannah, Georgia, and live in Dallas, Texas when not at school.

Mehr Fotos gibt es in seinem Portfolio. Einen Blog hat er auch.

Alle hier verwendeten Bilder unterliegen dem Copyright von Andrew Hefter